Friday 1 April 2016

Not again with the boards, please!!

Hey guyss!!( I'm always this excited about writing a new post)

My last post was about the three boards that we had to make in our groups. WE WERE GIVEN JUST ONE DAY!! JUST ONE DAY!!

Okay, I think I have cribbed enough about it in the last post when I explained what boards are about. 

So we divided our work very 'efficiently' and 'smartly', we gave most of it to Jahnvi. (Hehe ;|). 
While I was struggling in drawing 'jalebis' all the time, Saira made cubes for our group map ( let's just not talk about the group map, that too has a sad story attached to it). Ruchita very smarty had taken the easiest task that was to get the pictures printed -_-
Anuja were drawing people( she called them Bandae) 
I think I will cry the next time I have to do something again about boards. Bubye :)

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